Sound Mind =
Sound Work-Life
Sound Work-Life
With training programs like those mentioned above and the snowballing demand for socially distant solutions and talent, the role of the CHRO is becoming increasingly extensive. The human resource function is looking at new, innovative methods to retain and engage their employees while also motivating them and keeping their efficiency engaged. According to our survey, when it comes to addressing the welfare of their employees, 31% of the respondents are focusing on the emotional mental state of their employees and 24% are strengthening and updating their wellness services, including distance care, individual counseling etc. With 65% of the respondents ensuring investment in the welfare and retention of their workforce, the demand for mental health services seems to have skyrocketed, paving the way for a new, specialized touchpoint.

Latin American startups in the segment – particularly in Brazil – like PsyAlive (Psicologia Viva), Vittude, Zenklub, and Telavita are perfect examples of these ‘touchpoints.’
Vittude Corporate is offering consultations with social values to democratize access to therapy for companies. “We had an increase in demand from all stakeholders: an increase in the demand for psychologists (wanting to work with) a safe platform; a surge of people seeking therapy; and also an increase in the number of companies wanting to develop corporate mental health projects for this moment to welcome their teams “, says Tatiana Pimenta, CEO of Vittude.5
Our survey stated that while 72% of the firms are committed to retaining employee salaries, 40% of them are still undecided when it comes to the bonus structure for 2020. 24% of the organizations are also looking at potentially laying-off up to 30% of their workforce while 25% and 28% are looking at salary cuts and temporary suspension, respectively. Add to that, the fear of contagion, juggling work-life balance while working remotely, increased work hours, anxiety around possible lay-offs and salary cuts, and an increased need to ensure technology does not overpower human contact are what demand the language of compassion from the employers. These corporate mental health plans address this gap.

Take your CISO/CIO/CTOs, for example. Even before COVID-19, senior technology executives, including CISOs, CIOs and CTOs were overwhelmed and felt an increasing lack of ballast in their lives. Some went so far as to agree to a hypothetical and meaningful compensation cut in exchange for more control over their jobs, and some semblance of work-life balance. Others felt as though they were never able to satisfy internal stakeholders and were most often the first party blamed and held accountable for any technical glitch, including those that take place in the cloud.6
Such scenarios highlight the need for medical professionals. The healthcare industry has seen an increase in demand for mental health experts who are adept at assisting employees suffering from anguish and stress due to the high workload and the general fear of an endless tomorrow. PsyAlive co-founder and CEO, Bráulio Bonoto, says that the growth registered by the company in March was “extraordinary.” Before the COVID-19 quarantine, the company had approximately 3 million people covered by the service. Today, there are more than 6.5 million beneficiaries, of which 75% are from corporate customers including companies and healthcare operators.5
Latin American startups in the segment – particularly in Brazil – like PsyAlive (Psicologia Viva), Vittude, Zenklub, and Telavita are perfect examples of these ‘touchpoints.’
Vittude Corporate is offering consultations with social values to democratize access to therapy for companies. “We had an increase in demand from all stakeholders: an increase in the demand for psychologists (wanting to work with) a safe platform; a surge of people seeking therapy; and also an increase in the number of companies wanting to develop corporate mental health projects for this moment to welcome their teams “, says Tatiana Pimenta, CEO of Vittude.5
Our survey stated that while 72% of the firms are committed to retaining employee salaries, 40% of them are still undecided when it comes to the bonus structure for 2020. 24% of the organizations are also looking at potentially laying-off up to 30% of their workforce while 25% and 28% are looking at salary cuts and temporary suspension, respectively. Add to that, the fear of contagion, juggling work-life balance while working remotely, increased work hours, anxiety around possible lay-offs and salary cuts, and an increased need to ensure technology does not overpower human contact are what demand the language of compassion from the employers. These corporate mental health plans address this gap.
Take your CISO/CIO/CTOs, for example. Even before COVID-19, senior technology executives, including CISOs, CIOs and CTOs were overwhelmed and felt an increasing lack of ballast in their lives. Some went so far as to agree to a hypothetical and meaningful compensation cut in exchange for more control over their jobs, and some semblance of work-life balance. Others felt as though they were never able to satisfy internal stakeholders and were most often the first party blamed and held accountable for any technical glitch, including those that take place in the cloud.6
Such scenarios highlight the need for medical professionals. The healthcare industry has seen an increase in demand for mental health experts who are adept at assisting employees suffering from anguish and stress due to the high workload and the general fear of an endless tomorrow. PsyAlive co-founder and CEO, Bráulio Bonoto, says that the growth registered by the company in March was “extraordinary.” Before the COVID-19 quarantine, the company had approximately 3 million people covered by the service. Today, there are more than 6.5 million beneficiaries, of which 75% are from corporate customers including companies and healthcare operators.5