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About Us

Business decisions are a core part of every senior executive’s remit and no one can absolve the executive from that responsibility. Senior executives and decisions go hand in hand.

Why, then, is business decision making almost entirely absent from the executive recruiting conversation, as well as the global Executive Search industry’s approach to helping companies hire executive leaders?

At Kingsley Gate, it's not only present, it’s front and center.

We believe

Decision making is the cornerstone of what senior executives are asked to do, spanning strategy, implementation, leadership, change management, and more
Organizations can become great at decision making over time and hiring top-tier leaders from the outside can accelerate that journey 
Assessing an executive’s decision-making experience, potential, and style is the optimal way to find the best fit for the role, the team, and the organization

Our Success Story

Kingsley Gate is a leading global, private equity-backed Executive Search firm that puts decision making at the center of its approach to identifying, evaluating, and selecting executive leaders.
Headquartered in New York, the firms' consultants have helped over 1,700 client organizations successfully hire and onboard thousands of high-impact, decision-making executives across all industries, functions, and markets.
Firm members
Firm members

AI-driven search gives Kingsley Gate access to unparalleled speed and thoroughness - so you don’t have to choose

Our AI-enabled candidate search engine is an automated sourcing technology that finds A-player executive candidates in days, not weeks
Our Large Language Model (LLM) toolkit listens to live or virtual conversations (e.g., interviews) and not only summarizes, but synthesizes key takeaways and next steps just like a human would
Our real-time window into a search is a user-friendly platform that shows you the latest updates on your search, available 24/7, on any device

Meet Our Executive Search Consultants

Our team of global consultants understand that the stakes are high. Having met and placed thousands of high-impact executive leaders around the world, they bring expertise in executive hiring across all industries, functions, and geographies. They collaborate across borders to offer bespoke, fit-to-purpose leadership solutions that meet your business requirements.

Why Kingsley Gate?

Leadership Through Decision Making

Each Executive Search engagement is customized to the hiring organization’s decision-making needs, ensuring a deep understanding of your global operating culture, business objectives, and leadership requirements

Domain Expertise

Our global Executive Search consultants are well-versed in the nuances of your sector; we offer deep insights into the specific roles, skill sets, and industry trends vital for effective leadership

Functional Capabilities

Our team of consultants seamlessly partner with our global functional experts (e.g., corporate officers, human resources) to deliver our best 100% of the time

Digital Cross-Pollination

Our global team understands the opportunities and challenges new technologies can bring to your company; we help you stay on top of the innovation game by looking beyond your sector for the best digital athletes

Rigorous Assessments

We employ a rigorous and objective assessment process to evaluate candidates, ensuring that only the most suitable individuals are put forward

Focus on Diversity

We are a diverse firm at our core; 35% of our consultants are female and 1 in 5 is based in an emerging market, allowing us to source a diverse and exceptional talent slate for your organisation

Robust Network

We have access to a global network of senior professionals within your sector and beyond, including executives who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but are open to considering strategic career moves

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