Sameer Tandon : A conversation on Agribusiness in India. Hosted by Shikha Sheth.

May 2021

Sameer Tandon is the Regional Director – India at UPL Limited, a global leader in biosolutions for sustainable agriculture. He currently leads UPL’s business teams for crop solutions through consumer and institutional businesses that provide crop protection, bio solutions, and advanced farm services to farmers across the country.

Sameer brings nearly three decades of experience in handling a wide variety of businesses with both B2B and B2C business models. He has also worked as a senior leader for diverse industries including FMCG, Automotive, Consumer Durables, and Agri-inputs handling strategic functions along with P&L responsibilities.

In his conversation with Vice President Shikha Sheth, Sameer explores the impact of technology on the agribusiness sector in India, the strategies in place to achieve sustainability in the industry, the new talent emerging as a result, and Indian Agriculture’s contribution to the SDGs as defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN.

Watch the full conversation between Sameer Tandon and Shikha Sheth in the video above!

Shikha Sheth
Vice President
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