“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Elliot
Transition is the new mantra.
The world has been rudely shaken out of its comfort zone and presented with an opportunity to introspect. This said, it is not easy to change direction. The “the road less travelled” can prove to be a challenge as we prepare to take the leap into the new!
The complexities and challenges introduced during the pandemic are of a new kind. The dynamics of the employer-employee relationship have changed and success, as it seems, lies in redefining a path and reinventing your skills, passions, purpose, and goals.
The onus is on us to advance our careers thereby making the process of introspection and upskilling imperative to ensure relevance.
How do you do that?
1. Introspect.
Gauge where you are headed and allow yourself to assess and change course. That’s the first step! A well thought out goal is critical to redefining yourself. Introspect and identify your transferable skill sets – strengths, motivators & attributes as well as opportunities within your organization or outside which may be of interest to you and could add value to your personal brand. The trick is to keep your mind open to opportunities that may present themselves and think about how one can adapt to them rather than rejecting them outright.
2. Learn to unlearn & relearn
Identify your improvement areas & Upskill! Upskill! Upskill! Learning never stops! Once you take up an opportunity-commit yourself wholeheartedly to achieving the best results. Be ready with enough gumption to present your evolved identity! Track the careers of those you admire in your chosen field. (It doesn’t hurt to learn from those a few steps ahead of you)
3. Script your story
While you are on that journey, script your life story – the reason you chose to be who you are and how it was a natural progression towards a goal. A good story (the truth of course) can help your audience understand you, your ideas, and your inner strengths. You are your best salesperson! Create a halo that will attract the right audience—but do make sure the halo is solid and simultaneously lends credibility to your original self.
4. Network
Present your new image to your target audience, be it old clients, friends or prospective employers. Pick a message that you would like to send out to them. Keep it succinct & effective! Network and build on relevant connections—it always works! Build your credibility and create visibility through thought leadership, focused social media engagement, blogs & direct personalized mails. Ensure your content is valuable & engaging while you showcase your new skills & abilities!
5. Have a Contingency plan
Remember this is not a one-time effort. You need to allow yourself to evolve as your career progresses. Anticipate change to stay ahead in the game and be mentally, physically and financially prepared to tackle them. Allow yourself a few mistakes. In fact, learn from them and move on. A backup is always a good idea to relieve stress on your mind and finances.
This is a time when the whole world is experiencing change together. Its an opportunity to reinvent yourself! Be patient & enjoy the process for the possibilities are endless & change is a constant!