The environments that stand out are those with a high degree of Integrity, Openness, Innovation and Partnership.In general, the Motivating Environments for CEOs, CHROs and C-Level Executives have common characteristics, but they are somewhat different when we analyze the responses of the Board Members. This makes sense because normally those who occupy these (board) roles do not participate in the day-to-day operation of the company and their adaptation to a certain culture is affected by different motivational elements. Flexible, introspective, empathetic, risk-taking, forward-looking, clear and pragmatic environments are particularly interesting for those in the role of Board Members.
In analyzing each of the five geographic areas, we found that the most valued Motivating Environment is the one that promotes Openness, accompanied by Integrity and Integration. We have identified common characteristics in the cultural environment and motivators that frame the preferences of Executive Leaders. These also clearly describe the environment in which they can achieve their maximum potential.
Below are the main elements that shape a Motivating Environment for Leaders in each geographic region.
Our study concluded that general work environments marked by openness, transparency and the practice of spontaneous information sharing are characteristics that stand out.Likewise, the Executive Leaders prefer environments of Integrity, where not only clear principles are involved, but those where they are not easily compromised and are always above potential negative consequences for themselves, thereby allowing them to fulfill their commitments without any hindrance.
Finally, we find throughout all regions the preference for Integrative environments, where there is an atmosphere of spontaneous collaboration and integration within the teams and where obstacles are eliminated naturally and the participation of all those who are part of the projects is ensured, thereby exercising authority only when necessary.